WMC deleting TV signal setup and recorded TV schedule

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WMC deleting TV signal setup and recorded TV schedule


Post by epricesc » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:33 pm

About two weeks ago my TV guild and recorded TV schedule were deleted. Since then it's happened 2 more times. I have no clue what is triggering it. To fix it I've had to re-run the TV signal setup and set it to my cable provider and re-download the channel listings. A few of the times I've lost my recorded tv series schedule which is really annoying to have to re-setup, but it hasn't been deleted every time I've lost the TV signal setup. I use My Channel Logos to add logos t the guild and those need to be reloaded too. There seems to be no issue with the tuners as they still work before the TV signal setup is redone.

I'm using a Ceton infiniTV 6 with WMC 7 and have a echo as an extender

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