Recorded Shows no longer automatically deleting

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Recorded Shows no longer automatically deleting


Post by taim » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:51 am

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a strange issue with the recording limits on 7mc. According to the media center event logs (event id 16), my recorded shows that have episode limits set were being pruned as the number of episodes was met up until January 1st. Then all of a sudden, nothing is being deleted anymore. Limits are being met and new shows are just being recorded without anything being deleted.

For example, I have a limit of 5 episodes set for some of my kids' favorites (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Clifford, Bob the Builder). Each has around 11 episodes recorded now and there are no yellow exclamation indicators next to any of the episodes letting me know that they will be deleted at some point in the near future.

I have around 15 scheduled series that have deleted episodes appropriately for at least a year now and the series settings are correct (keep until space needed, and keep up to 5 recordings). Any ideas as to what I might do to fix this?


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