What exactly does WMC 7 do when you press the record button?

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What exactly does WMC 7 do when you press the record button?


Post by choliscott » Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:44 am

Does anybody know what exactly MC does when you press the record button to record a currently playing show? I would assume it would look & see if there was any shows coming on before the show you asked to record was over with & if there was enough tuners at the current time & at the next recording time. However I wouldn't think it would take 20 minutes

I made a quick video showing the issue. I pressed the record button at 6:34, which it shows the swirly circly in the middle, which the current time was 7:01p. While the current show plays, MC won't respond to any other command. Restarting MC will show that I have a conflict with 2 other shows (thus it thinks I only have 3 tuners) & ask which shows I want to record.

Same thing goes with scheduling shows


Any suggestions?

While I can see scheduling a show series might take a few minutes, I can't think of any reason why a single recording won't start right away. The same thing will happen on a fresh Windows 7 install with no add on's

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