thefreedictionary /echo

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thefreedictionary /echo


Post by koberhol » Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:37 pm

Ech·o (k)
n. Greek Mythology
A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained.

I originally posted this bit of humor in the "Ceton Echo Extender" directory. It was promptly deleted! I'm sure the moderators will say that it wasn't beneficial to where it was posted! That area has all but dried up.. hence my posting. I was away for 3 weeks. I had hoped to come back and see some positive news with Echo firmware updates! Ahhh.. fooled me again. When Echo2 is announced that board will light up like a Christmas Tree from those who are still holding the Echo1 bag dissapointmentssssssssssss!!! (no! I have no knowledge of an Echo2.. cynicism tells me one is coming)

Lastly, Who in their right mind at this point would try a tuner pre-Beta firmware from Ceton if their home system is not plagued by the bug fixes they mention? So sad that we all just accept mediocrity to the point we are afraid of what could be even worse!

Just sayin!!!

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